Nofap: Feminist Psy-op

Trans Rights Activist
19 min readJun 24, 2021



  • noshame > nofap > noporn
  • despite the shame these are very positive communities for men
  • some people have genuine problems but way less than those who claim to
  • orgasms make people, both men and women, less irrational
  • prescription stimulant drugs don’t receive their fair share of blame

Feminists were the only culture war faction that advocated sex work for the longest time. As intergender relations started to break down those feminists were no longer able to secure dick. Simultaneously, most men were no longer able to secure vag, then they joined the nofap and noporn communities and posted their problems online.

The feminists smelled the blood in the water. Rather than trying to help these vulnerable men, these feminists wanted to kick them while they’re down, or more accurately, drag them down to the orgasmless purgatory they call life. They coordinated via the female hivemind to convince men to stop fapping and the rest is history. This is a really long article so no hard feelings if you skip around.

Lust is a desire as fundamental to life as hunger. Orgasms are at the base level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs after all. Yeah, it says “reproduction” instead of “orgasms”, but do you really think that’s what Maslow intended? Does it really make sense for reproduction, also known as having a baby, to be something you need to have before intimacy or stability? The above infographic even puts the picture of a baby where it belongs, two levels up in social needs. Things like clothing and shelter aren’t strictly necessary for life to continue. Hell, I’m naked right now and still able to produce children.

Humans like all animals have evolved to strongly desire feeling an orgasm, to the point where it belongs at the same tier as eating food and drinking water. I’m all for occasional yet regular fasting. Everyone ought to develop enough self-control to not consume ANY calories for 48 hours, none of this “it doesn’t count if it’s after sundown” bullshit. I think food abuse is a dangerous behavior that warrants intervention. Having said that, someone who abstains from nutrition altogether clearly has mental problems. It’s the same with abstaining from orgasms.

Unfortunately, it’s rarely convenient to satiate this biological urge with other people. On top of the risks of STDs, pregnancy, being raped, catching feels, humiliating sex, or being #metoo’d, you have to find someone to begin with. To rectify the crappy sexual reproduction system god set up, xe imbued xer creations with the instinct to masturbate. That worked until human brains evolved to be complex enough to overcomplicate sex. To rectify this new problem, humans were forced to create porn in order to masturbate effectively. Archaeologists have discovered pornographic materials estimated to be 35,000 years old, yet most birth control technology was invented in the past couple hundred years.

So masturbating and porn are a fundamental part of humanity. Yet this information has little impact on nofap and noporn crusaders. They claim that it’s different now. It’s “hardcore”. Is it really worse than the sex white vikings had when they were raping and pillaging 1,000 years ago? Rape in general wasn’t even illegal in most countries until relatively recently. At least porn actresses in super-hot brutal throatfuck gangbang porn are consenting and receive compensation for participating. They probably aren’t paid enough but welcome to Capitalism.

Go back to the 1800s and people thought the same about Victorian erotica. Most people actually thought those sexy words in books were sufficient justification for mutilating the genitals of boys without anesthetic. In John Kellogg’s defense he put his money where his mouth was when he mutilated his own genitals at age 37. Of course, the vast majority of the contemporary nofap and noporn movements are circumcised, so it clearly wasn’t a very good solution. For some odd reason this surgery only seems to reduce masturbation frequency if the surgery is done when the victim is old enough to remember the trauma.

Go back to the 1900s and people thought the same about sexy Hollywood movies and the now-considered-tame Playboy magazine. Nearly all the obscenity laws that violate the first amendment we’re now stuck with were created in the 1960s in retaliation to loosening sexual mores as the christian-right began consolidating political power. Fortunately, the entire country went on a decade-long cocaine binge in the 1980s and consequently sex became a mainstream commodity. Sex sells. Then the internet rapidly trickled into everyone’s lives and porn became the norm.

This brings us to the current era. Our society has its problems for sure. Birth rates are decreasing all over the world, the average age people start families is going up in all the good countries, young men are leading the surge in viagra use, the proportion of cis-het males who are victims of celibacy is skyrocketing, etc. The noporn community is right about one thing: the internet was a gamechanger. I understand why porn is worth investigating as a possible culprit. These are all social problems related to sexuality and porn is easier to access than ever. But their claims about porn and fapping fall apart after a second of thought.

For example, they claim that fapping decreases testosterone… yet getting laid increases testosterone? Even calling this claim bro-science gives it too much credit. It just doesn’t logically make sense. I want to give credit where it’s due though. It’s pretty much only the followers who push all the pseudoscience surrounding nofap/noporn. The leaders are explicit about rejecting the pseudoscience altogether or at least saying the jury’s still out. Sure, it could be a calculated attempt at plausible deniability, but I’d still rather have them put this on their sites than not. Look at what the nofap subreddit says about rebooting (i.e. temporarily quitting porn/fapping) on its wiki:

There’s no attempt to hide this information either. This was at the top of one of the first things I clicked on when I went to find out what says about testosterone research:

This is probably a good time to explain the distinction between the nofap and noporn communities. There’s plenty of overlap but less than you might expect. I don’t care how they “officially” define themselves because clearly there is disagreement between the leaders of these movements and their followers.

In my experience the key distinction is that noporn regards porn as unnatural, satanic, and Jewish because it’s a more religious movement. Yet at the same time they view masturbation as god’s gift. It’s a way to destress before god makes you a significant other because you can’t have premarital sex. “Thou shall not fap” is nowhere in the bible, most people figure out how to do it with zero instruction, and most animals do it so fapping can’t be against god’s will. On the other hand, watching porn kinda requires you to covet a woman who’s not married to you (albeit through a screen) which technically violates the 10th commandment, making it a literal sin. Because the stakes involve eternal torture the goal here is to never look at porn ever again. Religious people generally are more squeamish about nudity and anything aside from heterosexual monogamous sex. Perhaps it also has something to do with virtual pairs of eyes looking at you increasing feelings of shame when engaging in an act perceived to be shameful. But perhaps the starkest contrast is that noporn has way more female zealots. I’m sure there’s more than a handful of women who are there solely to have something other than themselves to blame for their partner’s erectile dysfunction. Obviously “fap” is an onomatopoeia that only works for male masturbation. Less obviously, you’ll find plenty of feminists allied with tradwives in this community, purely because they loathe the porn industry and blame it for their inability to find a bf. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Nofap being more down to earth started out because some guy wanted to “reset” his brain by not masturbating for 3 months and he wanted to help others do the same. Let me reiterate that I fully support all types of fasting; however, a significant chunk of the nofap community take it too far and say you should never masturbate ever again. The community leans younger. They grew up with ubiquitous free porn so it’s difficult to pretend that it’s “unnatural”. I even talked to one nofapper who claimed some people watch porn without masturbating, presumably to train his discipline on nightmare mode. It can’t be cope because that’d imply he took the path of least resistance whereas looking at porn without fapping is intentional blueballs. That’s the path of most resistance. All of the people I found who actually fapped more than 2 hours/day were more active in the nofap community. Let me preface this next bit by saying I’ll never understand religious people: way more of the posts in the nofap community seemed to have people with a genuine problem than in the noporn community. It seems to me like nofappers are ashamed of being unproductive or not hooking up with actual chicks, whereas noporners tend to be more ashamed of the act itself.

In both groups the science isn’t really discussed all that much because it’s so specious to begin with. It’s more about having a community, self-improvement, and trying to go longer than anyone else for not masturbating or looking at porn. I see why they like these groups. There’s not many communities where men can easily receive this volume of emotional support from other men. They’re both cults on par with Crossfit.

Unlike other personal problems this is something few people feel comfortable discussing their personal porn habits in person with a therapist. Consequently more people end up in these free online communities. People join these cults when they feel crippling shame. They soon learn just enough jargon and bookmark just enough links to evangelize them. That’s why they think fapping is unhealthy and porn is more of a drug than crack.

The shame also prevents more people from speaking out against this. Not the ivory tower sexologists. I’m talking about normal people. Imagine you’re at a college party or scrolling through facebook when some pornfree nofap evangelist hopped up on community-administered oxytocin and bullshit starts giving his spiel. You don’t know the jargon, you haven’t read their studies, and there is practically no social context to defend porn where it wouldn’t be weird anyway.

Let’s drill down into the concrete data. Reddit’s nofap community conducted a survey that had results generally in line with my personal experience. Which is what matters anyway. Yes, some people do get addicted to porn and yes around 53% of nofap advocates *claim* to be addicted to porn. But no, that doesn’t click with 82% of that population at most having 3 faps/day. Even being charitable and assuming 60 minutes/fap that’s still only 3 hours/day of unproductive behavior.

Although there are exceptions like Ben Franklin and Elon Musk, the vast majority of people are really only capable of about 10 hours of productive work per day, if that. Any more than that and they’ll start getting sloppy and there are diminishing returns. Then everyone requires about 10 hours of maintenance activities such as sleep, grooming, eating, etc. That leaves at least 4 hours where people are awake yet are too exhausted to do anything. During this time most people watch TV, consume infodrugs, or play video games.

So what’s the difference between watching porn for 4 hours and watching football for 4 hours? Not much, especially with all the quarterbacks and cheerleaders. My point is that although the shame about being unproductive is more rational than the shame of doing what god and mommy told you not to do. Sometimes the victim simply has a brain that’s innately more susceptible to feeling shame. Occasionally the shame is tied to a traumatic experience. Were all noporners raped as children? Did all nofappers parents catch them in the act as kids? Was I? Who’s to say?

I’ll be clear: I’m not saying people can’t be addicted to porn. Far from it. People can be addicted to anything. Some people ruin their own lives and the lives of others because they’re addicted to making money. Some people get addicted to food and eat to the point of obesity. Some people even get addicted to weed. Anything that gives you dopamine really… which can be everything. It’s why the claim from some nofappers is such a dumb justification. Porn is not special in that regard. Whenever you develop a skill you’re slightly rewiring the dopamine circuit in your brain to reinforce the neural pathways that make you better at that skill. That still happens when you fap or look at porn.

The de facto thing to blame for addiction used to be the drugs themselves or the drug potency because they assumed eliminating drugs would be easier than fixing systemic problems that result in addiction. In reality addiction has more to do with social isolation. A lack of community. No tribe. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that so many people find solace in nofap/noporn communities in contemporary society.

The vast majority of people who consider themselves addicted to porn are identifying the problem incorrectly. I went to a couple nofap communities and asked people how much time per day they’d actually spend fapping. Consistent with the survey results, most people’s typical fap session was under an hour and it was hard to find anyone consistently fapping more than a couple hours per day. Those guys all fell into either the “shame-filled religious guy” subtypes, the “confused teenager” subtypes, or the “incel desperately trying anything to self-improve” subtypes.

In most of these cases it seemed the real culprit was procrastination and more general tech addiction. The guys I found didn’t want to do their work, were too physically drained for anything else, too mentally drained for video games, too awake to sleep, and all caught up on the shows worth watching. They were abusing it for the same reason many people abuse drugs: to be comfortable with being bored. It didn’t help that nearly everyone is on their phone or computer all day; the same exact device they’re using to fap. Whenever they’d sit at their computer they would subconsciously start getting horny because they fapped there in the past. Then they’d fap, feel guilty about procrastinating, and due to that be too stressed to work for several hours. It’s akin to the “delicious cycle” when people eat out of boredom, feel guilty about it, then eat more to assuage their guilt. Certainly that’s a problem, but it doesn’t warrant a crusade.

However, there was another subtype I saw everywhere. They were choosing to fap over hanging out with friends. They were neglecting their responsibilities or even their health. That’s definitely classified as abusing porn. True addiction. Here’s the most concise example I found:

Nearly every time I found someone who regularly fapped for more than ~2 hours/day they always turned out to be taking either amphetamine, diphenhydramine, or cannabis. Not everyone can even maintain arousal on these drugs; however, if you’re someone who can, these make sexual experiences more pleasurable. The first two are notorious for leading to 8+ hour edging sessions although diphenhydramine is very obscure despite being legally purchasable over the counter at any pharmacy or gas station. When the use stops of any of these drugs it is very difficult to watch porn to the point of meaningfully classifying it as an addiction. Out of those 3 orgasm-enhancing drugs amphetamine is far and away the most popular among nofappers.

I should also note that I found one guy with a non-drug-related reason for fapping 6 hours a day. He admitted that he became addicted to edging because he developed a complex about being a “two-pump chump” during a bad sexual experience with a callous bitch. He started edging as a form of training to last longer. Eventually he realized he had lost control of his behavior. There might have been more guys like this who didn’t speak up because it is both embarrassing to talk about and requires a lot of introspection. This self-confessed outlier’s suffering had more to do with toxic femininity than porn or drugs. In fact, I bet edging i.e. endurance masturbation would be less of a thing without toxic women all over the world shaming men for cumming too soon. If more people contact me about having a similar issue I’ll elaborate on this for more than a paragraph.

Anyway, like the amphetamine-using professional in the screenshot, many people in this generation feel caught between a rock and hard place. They got prescribed Adderall as children, used it to get through school, and now require it to keep up at work. The competitive edge it gives people both with and without ADHD is indisputable. On the other hand, if you stop taking it after years of regular use you’re essentially forfeiting your ability to be baseline productive, at least for several months.

Amphetamine is so ubiquitous among younger generations so it’s easy to forget it’s a recreational drug; more akin to an energy drink than a class II controlled substance. Employers and parents generally approve of amphetamine because it gives the person they’re invested in that significant competitive edge. They won’t let you take an extended sabbatical for mental health reasons nor do they care if you waste all weekend fapping so long as you finish your assignments on time. Even in a best case scenario with an understanding employer and a successful return to baseline, the end result will be that you’re less productive.

I wish it went without saying that the drug itself is not the problem either. In addition to a more isolated society, the problem is all the qualified, licensed psychiatrists who downplay or outright lie about the hyperarousal side effect when they prescribed stims to people who didn’t need it in the first place. To be fair, that seems like a difficult subject to broach with the parents or the child, especially given that not everyone even has the capability to get erect on stimulants (a condition known as stimdick). Nevertheless it’s unacceptable that the first result that comes up when you google “Adderall side effects” is this:

This particular subcategory of nofapper wouldn’t have a problem if they stopped taking their medication, but they need their medication to be productive? What should they do? If we stop over-prescribing stimulants to kids and start spreading the information that uncontrollable lust is not an uncommon side effect of most stimulants including amphetamine, that will certainly help future generations.

As for the current victims of the pornography-pharmceutical complex, keep taking uppers if you can’t afford to quit them. Just know you won’t solve the problem of being horny by not orgasming. You won’t solve the problem of being hungry by not eating either. If you don’t sate these biological urges you’re going to be distracted, more emotional, more aggressive, etc. Everything in moderation works for most other facets of health. Oh, and have a dedicated phone or computer that you use for porn and nothing else, to prevent that context-dependent learning from causing intrusive thoughts.

It’s clearly not the presence of porn causing this issue because the intrusive thoughts won’t go away when you look at porn or fapping. It’s like trying to will away hunger. In the cases I underscored, the porn abuse is a corollary of a negative addiction to stimulants. The reason why I spent 2 weeks putting this article together is that not many people seem to understand that an increase in problematic behavior is a consequence of a negative addiction to porn.

Negative and positive addiction are analogous to negative and positive reinforcement, except rather than the stimulus being pain or pleasure, the stimulus is the specific focus of the addiction. Positive addiction is when you cannot function in a healthy manner when using the substance; problematic behavior only occurs in presence of the stimuli. Think someone who always gets into fistfights when they’ve had more than 2 shots. Some people in the noporn movement paradoxically believe that in the presence of porn they engage in fapping (which they consider a problematic behavior), therefore removing the porn stimulus is the solution, but also somehow the “problematic behavior” without porn is okay.

Compared to the negative consequences resulting from a positive addiction, the consequences of negative addiction are typically rarer and lower intensity… which is exactly why negative addiction it’s so insidious. It’s when you cannot function in situations that access is cut off to the thing you are addicted to; the problematic behavior only occurs in absence of the stimuli. Think someone who gets migraines without 300mg of caffeine before noon. If it’s legally and socially acceptable to be addicted to something such as coffee, amphetamine, or facebook. If it’s as cheap and plentiful as coffee, amphetamine, or facebook, being addicted to that something is not a big deal socially. It could still be a big deal in other ways.

You probably didn’t need to look at that orgasm chart to know men typically have way less of a problem reaching orgasm than women. Remember how fapping and porn rewire your brain to be better at fapping and looking at porn? It might not seem like a very impressive skill to most heterosexual young men. It’s not like they can show this skill off to anyone, they can’t make money doing it, and they view it as proof they don’t have a gf. Well, try telling the ~30% of women who struggle orgasming that being able to orgasm is a useless skill. The advice these poor women often receive is to start masturbating precisely because training those neural pathways makes it easier for them to orgasm in general, including with a partner.

There are two predominant ways for women to achieve orgasm: violent sex with strangers and comfortable sex with someone they’re familiar with. Did you notice which sex acts are most and least likely to get a woman to reach orgasm in that chart? However, as fun as rape fetishes are it goes without saying that engaging in them entails a high degree of risk. Even if it does result in a successful orgasm, no physical harm is done, and it’s in a controlled environment, it still can be a traumatic experience. Given a choice most women would prefer for it to be easier to orgasm with someone familiar.

Because that’s not the case, this more often than not results in a situation where women will tell their boyfriends they don’t mind being left unsatisfied or straight-up fake their orgasms because the vast majority of women really are more interested in the relationship than the sex. They end up sacrificing orgasms for stability. When women start exploring porn and erotica it’s much easier for them to discover what they like. When women start masturbating it’s much easier for them to communicate about what they want their partner to do.

The truth is that when women act emotional, irrational, and aggressive it has more to do with not experiencing regular orgasms, than the common assertion/insult of having their period. Ever wonder why post-menopausal women somehow have less baggage and mental health problems than younger women? All of society tells post-menopausal women that they’re worthless, yet they seem much more at peace than a 25 year old woman in her prime. It’s not because they achieved so much in life or they found inner peace or because their minds became resilient at the same rate their bodies became frail. Their libido dried up therefore their body has less of a demand for orgasms. Despite frequency of fucking usually decreasing for older women, their “orgasm quota” is now being reached because their quota has decreased. When are women at their craziest? When they’re teenagers and when their biological clock goes off.

Try to think of women in your life who are not just getting laid on the reg, but orgasming on the reg. Doesn’t matter if they’re 16 or 60; chicks who cum are chill. The emotional, irrational bullshit just seems to evaporate. Here’s what might surprise you: men work the same way. If a man goes a long time without orgasming, he too will become more emotional and irrational. The negative addiction manifests in different ways. Instead of becoming hysterical sluts, men become impulsive assholes.

This isn’t new information either. Medical professionals used to treat “female hysteria” with “medical vibrators”. Women going decades without orgasm caused so many mental problems that men were pretty much forced to treat women as livestock til the early 1900s when vibrators became ubiquitous.

Which finally brings us back to my theory that nofap is a feminist psy-op. It’s an open secret that feminists have trouble getting laid. It’s well-known that women in general orgasm less easily than men. It’s conventional wisdom to fap before making big decisions. It’s socially acceptable to defend infidelity when a woman isn’t getting her “needs” met. Now put it all together.

Women realized long ago that orgasming makes them far more effective members of society. It’s no coincidence that women en masse didn’t demand the right to vote until shortly after the invention of the vibrator. But because men have been raping or fapping since the dawn of civilization they never realized they’ve always had an advantage from daily post-nut clarity.

Think about it. Why do most of the nofap and noporn followers ignore what their respective leaders say about the science of their movements? Feminist subversion. Why is the only group where christians and feminists get along the noporn community, despite feminists being half the reason we have a more sexualized society in the first place? Feminist double-agents. Why does the rise of e-thots track so well with the rise of nofap? Even amongst the biggest simps, the second they orgasm they’re suddenly no longer interested in sending money to random women on the internet.

This “porn addiction epidemic” is a complex problem that is the result of a confluence of factors. I didn’t even touch the incel crisis, the chemicals in the groundwater reducing testosterone, and so on, though I think we can agree this article is long enough. I apologize if I invalidated the suffering of anyone who believes they have a porn addiction but failed to meet my criteria. I’ll leave you with this: if your main problem in life is you overdo something that’s otherwise healthy, you have a first-world problem.

