Coherent Transgender Theory

Trans Rights Activist
10 min readMay 31, 2021

The main purpose of choosing my handle is to resist criticism in the same way antifa does. Anyone who tries to cancel me will be literally canceling not just a, but the Trans Rights Activist. However, I want it to be absolutely clear that I am a transgender person and I do genuinely support trans rights. Yes, even putting kids on hormones. It would be fair to say I’m not truly an activist for trans rights, at least no more than I am for any of the other ideas I champion.

I’m also switchgender which means whenever I feel like, I am a woman or a man but nothing in between. So technically I’m only transgender part of the time and genderfluid all of the time. No preferred pronouns although do note I’ll occasionally use third party pronouns to refer to groups which I am a part of, which may be confusing for boomer readers.

Furthermore, I’m super-straight which means I’m exclusively sexually interested in cis people of the gender opposite that which I am at the time. When I’m a woman, part of that experience is being exclusively attracted to cis-het men. On days I’m a man, part of that is being exclusively attracted to cis het women.

I’m aware that some online trolls co-opted this language. Rather than conceding ground to fascists, I choose to take this word back. Trying to defang everyone who uses these venomous words isn’t feasible, but making everyone immune to their hurtful power is. Being a super-straight trans switchgender person is not hypocritical because my super-straight behavior is consistent with my belief that trans, switchgender, and yes even super-straight people deserve rights and healthcare. Whether or not I want to fuck a particular group is irrelevant. Manlets deserve rights too but that doesn’t mean I have to fuck them.

In this article I’ll put an emoji denoting whether the ⬅️ team or the ➡️ team earned a point from me in the culture war.

⬅️ Transgender people have a sex which does not match their gender.

Gender is a confluence of nature and nurture. It’s kind of like race in that way; partially biological, partially cultural. Your behavior is a consequence of your brain reacting to the environment. Part of that environment is easy to control via hormones or wearing a dress. Unfortunately they can’t control someone whether they suffer a severe hormone imbalance in the womb, which then leads to reproduction errors.

Sex (male, female, intersex) is the word describing the reproductive function that species has. In sexual reproduction, two organisms contribute a gamete each to create new life. While truly multisex people do not currenty exist it’s not inconceivable given the progress of technology. Some fungi today have multiple sexes. To clarify, the purpose of telling you the fungus thing is just to help define sex. No matter what anyone tells you they are not multisex.

⬅️ A trans woman is a subcategory of woman.

That’s what people mean when they say “trans women are women”. Most people who argue this conflate woman with cis woman because they are defining “women” as female. Once the distinction between woman and female is clear, it’s still up to the person using the word to express what they mean.

In order to distinguish them from the rest of women we had to create the distinguisher “trans”. Sometimes you might see people call themselves “trans females” which is just a way to clarify that they’re biologically female and then went trans i.e. a trans man a.k.a. an FTM tranny. Confused? That’s kind of the point. People constantly get this wrong and I’m the only person calling it out.

To my trans siblings: if it’s clear to you that someone defines “woman” the same way you define “female”, accept it as the birth of a pidgin and move on. Just like it’s rude to misgender someone else, it’s rude to demand another individual start altering their definitions of words. It’s totally reasonable to make this demand of companies and corporations e.g. legally preventing advertisers from lying.

Btw trans issues center around how they impact women because all issues center around how they impact women. There’s no equivalent of TERFs for men. One would think the TERFs would be more than willing to simply start identifying as pro-female rather than pro-woman, but apparently it’s rude to call women females too.

Criminalizing misgendering is dangerous. ➡️

Everyone is rude to each other constantly. It sucks. But welcome to humanity. Threats, legal or otherwise, can’t increase respect. Only fear and hatred. It’s particularly dangerous given that most people don’t understand the nuance of this issue, let alone nuance period.

America has fortunately evaded most of this bullshit so far. Our northern neighbor wasn’t so lucky. I’m all for limits on speech but I draw the line at personal offense. When people aren’t allowed to let off steam with words it inevitably explodes with violence. Look at the UK, a notoriously polite society with harsh misgendering laws and consequently a high rate of knife crime.

Trans people conflate sex and gender maliciously. ➡️

I always call it out when I witness a fellow trans abuse the confusion normalfags have about this aspect to save face when #rekt in an argument. Many trans will even go so far as to say that trans women are female. This only makes us look more irrational and inconsistent. Some have the audacity to claim they changed their sex while failing to realize if that were true being trans wouldn’t enter the conversation.

They understand this particular definitional difference better than anyone, yet they’re taking advantage of the ambiguity to win lawsuits, e-fights, or even just enter a women’s prison and other female-exclusive spaces. It doesn’t help that many conservative people are using the word “gender” cause they’re squeamish about the word “sex”. Gender and sex are legally considered the same thing and it’s been that way for nearly all of human history.

To be fair, the trans community did stop using transexual to mitigate confusion which arises when people assume transexual means someone changed their sex. Being transgender means sex doesn’t match the gender the brain thinks it is. Being transexual means gender doesn’t match the body’s physiological sex. They’re logically equivalent, even though it’s much easier to change your gender than your sex.

Anything besides cis het man or cis het woman is a disorder. ➡️

As LGBTQIP+ gets normalized this statement causes more offense. Nonetheless, it’s still not how humans and most other animals evolved to reproduce. A normal “default” gender does exist for each sex. Again, there is a reason we why distinguish between trans and cis. If trans people are going to keep demanding “trans healthcare” they are hypocrites and thieves if they don’t have a disorder that requires healthcare.

Psychologists now classify gender dysmorphia as a symptom of the state of being trans. This does not mean the state of being trans is normal. It clearly causes tons of problems in the lives of trans people given the morbid suicide and comorbidity rates. Being trans is a brain-body mismatch. It’s a mental disorder in the same way being lesbian is: healthy biologically programmed behavior is perverted by mutation and/or environment. What’s wrong with being a pervert anyway? I must’ve missed the memo about dropping the whole “pride” angle.

⬅️ Being trans isn’t a choice.

Males and females are physiologically different right down to the chromosome, which means male and female brains are neurologically different, if only slightly. For instance, male brains tend to be better at spatial reasoning and female brains tend to be better at emotional manipulation. Don’t worry TERFs, women being better at lying is actually proof of rape culture.

There’s the fact male human brains have 10% more volume on average than female human brains. While that doesn’t necessarily correlate with a 10% higher average IQ, it does mean there is a clear way to distinguish between male and female brains. These differences are just the tip of the iceberg.

If you accept this fact, then it’s plausible that some people are born with a disorder in which the body develops the brain structure for the wrong gender. My pet theory is hormone levels in the womb at certain time periods during pregnancy cause this. Gayness would just be a weaker version of that. These days being trans is trendy and privileged so there will naturally be some people who decide to be the wrong gender for sinister reasons. But, like gayness this fervor will die down once the social benefits gained from being trans are diminished via assimilation.

Most trans are against physiological verification of transness. ➡️

I don’t even have a good theory for why trans people are opposed to this. I think if they were for it they could find common ground with conservatives. It would be a great compromise at least for giving puberty blockers to kids. It proves this is not all made-up. It proves the trans community’s revulsion at the idea of transracial is not hypocritical. If you intellectually disrespect people with blind hypocrisy don’t expect to have their respect much longer.

And to be clear, most trans are VEHEMENTLY against this idea. The organization Transgender Europe audits transgender law every year and they explicitly give points for: no diagnosis or psychological opinion required, no compulsory medical intervention required, no compulsory surgical intervention required, no age restriction, among other things. Not that it matters, but here’s where Europe stands on this stuff.

⬅️ Puberty blockers seem to be the best solution.

So we got 0.01% of the population with faulty wiring that makes them think they’re a man in a woman’s body or vice-versa. Imagine if that was you. Most guys would want to kill themselves if they chopped off their own dick. Most women could handle the genital change but want to kill themselves after discovering how rough life can be for the average man. Talk therapy doesn’t seem to work at all. An open secret in the community is that hormones don’t do all that much for most people nor gender reassignment surgery. The suicide rate is still painfully high. But these existing solutions clearly do help a little bit and that’s better than nothing.

Ideally in a transhumanist world, a trans could transplant their brain into a custom-made lab-grown opposite-gender clone. A genderfluid trans could switch genders at will via nanomachines. Until that’s possible we’re forced to use the existing technology we can afford, be that hormone replacement therapy, an all-soy diet, full-on gender reassignment surgery, or even simple cosmetics. When you tell a trans person “you’ll never have the right chromosomes!” it’s the same thing as telling a kid with polio before we had the vaccine “you’ll never live to old age!”

Gender reassignment tech is still in its infancy. ➡️

It’s frustrating, I know. The psychological torture of gender dysmorphia certainly grants the freedom to watch sissy hypno porn and be as delusional as you want. In situations it matters, the vast majority of people aren’t fooled though.

It’s the same deal with puberty blockers. The jury isn’t out on it yet because we just started researching it in earnest. Puberty blockers are like chemotherapy. If it works there will be a significant quality-of-life improvement. But there’s a significant risk of negative effects. It’s ultimately up to the parents and it ABSOLUTELY should not be up to some random committee.

⬅️ Gendered bathrooms are nonsense.

Conservatives lost the ability to complain about raped children in the culture war when they caved on gays. Otherwise they’re tacitly saying it’s cool for gays, bis, and lesbos to rape both genders of kids. Also a man going into a bathroom with a young girl happens all the time. Probably the most damning evidence is this phenomenon hasn’t really occurred since trans rights legislation for bathroom selectiveness was enacted. Should we have 6 bathrooms in every public building? Nah. This is a made-up issue exploiting the old “think of the children!” gambit.

I think this is precisely where some miscommunication between the left and right is created. To counter-retort to this concern from the right, leftists will suggest abolishing gendered bathrooms. That would slightly diminish gendered society, that’s true, but it’s really more about leftists counter-retorting. If no one had problems with trans bathrooms there’d likely be more pronounced gender differences.

We’re kinda living in that world already. The right likes to complain that everyone is too androgynous in the modern era while simultaneously claiming to be majority. The reality is both men and women have higher standards for sexual dimorphism in their mate. Super-straight was coined out of necessity. Beards becoming trendy tracks well with the mainstreaming of trans people. Men are working out more thanks to motivational podcasts and women are collectively getting better at makeup thanks to youtube tutorials.

Trans woman athletes make female athletes obsolete. ➡️

There’s example after example of this happening; however, who cares? I really don’t see the problem to begin with. Just do something actually productive instead of play a game. Anyone who takes women’s sports and sports in general seriously in the first place is the one with the problem.

If it’s that important, cis women swallowing their pride and creating a female-exclusive or cis woman-exclusive would suffice. Despite being a fair solution I don’t believe for a second that the trans community would allow the widespread institutionalization of female-exclusive sports. On top of that there’d be political incentives to exacerbate the divide.

The victor of this culture war skirmish goes to the ➡️ team. Hypocrisy and bad faith arguments permeate the trans community and the ⬅️ team at large. It needs to stop. Yes, transphobia is omnipresent; however, it’s borne out of ignorance. It’s far worse to have knowledge of trans issues and it as a bludgeon.

Next time: Coining Drug Effect Descriptors

